Setting up Home with your Partner 1

Arranging a Funeral Yourself

Many people choose to use the services of a funeral director when planning an end-of-life celebration. However, there’s no legal requirement to do so and you may decide to arrange the funeral yourself.

Deprivation of Assets: Local Authority Care and Support

If you or a loved one require residential care, the local authority will carry out an assessment of your assets to determine what financial support you will be entitled to.

Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Decisions: Understanding Your Rights

Decisions over whether resuscitation should be attempted (DNR decisions) can be particularly overwhelming for patients and their loved ones.

Giving Assets Away

Many people consider passing on significant assets to their children or loved ones during their lifetime, but it’s important to be aware of the legal and tax implications of doing this.

Jointly Owned Property

Under a Joint Tenancy, each owner has an indivisible share in the property, meaning that each owner is equally entitled to the whole of the property.

Mental Capacity: What is it and How Does it Relate to You?

Mental capacity is a measure of someone’s ability to make a decision for themselves. If someone close to you loses this, it can be very difficult to deal with.

Setting up Home with your Partner

While moving in with your partner is an exciting time, there are considerations to keep in mind in order to protect your rights in the future.

Setting up Home with your Partner 2

Get the legal advice you need

Dealing with legal issues can be confusing and stressful. If you’re not sure exactly how we can help you, or if you want to get specialist advice right away, please don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and get in touch.

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