The problem
Our client had been hospitalised due to a serious health concern and was worried they didn’t have their Will in order.
The process
We visited the client in hospital and were able to confidently asses that she had the capacity to make a new Will.
How this helped
We were contacted by the daughter of our client. Her mother had been hospitalised with a serious health concern and wanted to get her affairs in order.
In circumstances such as these we are always prepared to visit clients in hospital to support them in making sure their Will clearly reflects their current wishes. We did this for our client and, as soon as we had satisfied ourselves that she had full capacity to do so, worked quickly to discuss her wishes and requirements.
Once we had all the information we needed, we were able to write the Will at the hospital and get it printed and ready to sign as soon as possible. Our client had limited mobility and was unable to sign the Will herself, so we included a clause to note that she was instructing a Roche Legal representative to sign on her behalf. This was done in the client’s presence and witnessed by two members of the hospital nursing staff. Her daughter was also present, though legally she wasn’t able to witness or sign the Will on her mother’s behalf as she was named as a beneficiary.
These preparations meant that when our client sadly did pass away, her family were able to wind up her estate quickly, efficiently and exactly in accordance with her wishes.
The result
As time was potentially limited, we wrote a new Will during the meeting, ready for it to be signed right away.
Do you need assistance with a legal issue like this?
Dealing with legal issues can be confusing and stressful. We understand this, and we’re always on hand to untangle jargon and offer support.