3. Trusts and Tax

Trusts: A Detailed Guide

Trusts can be useful tools in a variety of situations. If you have explored different ways of providing for the future of your loved ones, you will have undoubtedly come across trusts

Reducing Your Inheritance Tax

Understanding how inheritance tax works can help you take steps to reduce the amount that your estate may have to pay.

Where am I Domiciled for Tax Purposes?

Discretionary domicile is a concept used by the courts to determine which country’s tax laws should apply to individuals with links to more than one country.

Deeds of Variation

If you have received an inheritance in a Will but believe it would be better if it went to someone else instead, you can surrender your share by making a Deed of Variation.

Personal Injury Trusts: What You Need to Know

There are many challenges to face if you have been seriously injured
in an accident. Besides working to get your life back on track,
difficulties can arise from taking legal action for compensation.

Discretionary Trusts

A discretionary trust is a flexible trust under which no beneficiary has an automatic right to receive assets.

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