Powers of Attorney

Power of Attorney articles

Season’s Greetings and a New Year’s Resolution from Roche Legal 1

Season’s Greetings and a New Year’s Resolution from Roche Legal

Making sure all your legal paperwork is in order is an important task. Whether you’ve never made legal documents such as a Will and/or a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) before, or whether you’ve previously made some that might need updating. Making an appointment to discuss a new Will or LPA, or to review existing ones, really couldn’t be easier.

Can an LPA be Used Overseas? 3

Can an LPA be Used Overseas?

There are many reasons why you might choose to work with a solicitor to put a Lasting Power of Attorney in place. An LPA is an effective way to protect against the possibility that a time may come when you need support making decisions for yourself.

What is the Right Type of Power of Attorney for You? 5

What is the Right Type of Power of Attorney for You?

Powers of attorney are a group of very helpful legal documents that allow an individual to legally appoint an individual, group of individuals or even an organisation to make decisions on their behalf. We’ve covered some of the main reasons, along with the different types of power of attorney documents that are available.

How to Start Acting as an Attorney with an LPA 6

How to Start Acting as an Attorney with an LPA

In the midst of overwhelming changes, newly divorced individuals often don’t think about ensuring they have their legal affairs in order in terms of future planning. If you are a legal professional who supports clients through the divorce or dissolution process, you might wish to highlight the following considerations to your clients as part of your support package.

Do You Really Need a Lasting Power of Attorney? 7

Do You Really Need a Lasting Power of Attorney?

In the midst of overwhelming changes, newly divorced individuals often don’t think about ensuring they have their legal affairs in order in terms of future planning. If you are a legal professional who supports clients through the divorce or dissolution process, you might wish to highlight the following considerations to your clients as part of your support package.

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