
Wills articles

Season’s Greetings and a New Year’s Resolution from Roche Legal 2

Season’s Greetings and a New Year’s Resolution from Roche Legal

Making sure all your legal paperwork is in order is an important task. Whether you’ve never made legal documents such as a Will and/or a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) before, or whether you’ve previously made some that might need updating. Making an appointment to discuss a new Will or LPA, or to review existing ones, really couldn’t be easier.

Where Might You Stand if Your Family Has a Disagreement About a Will? 4

Where Might You Stand if Your Family Has a Disagreement About a Will?

Family relationships are not always straightforward. This can be because of a huge range of reasons, from blended families to personality clashes to perceived injustices. Whatever the individual circumstances, sometimes, even small tensions can become magnified when it comes to the issue of what will happen to an estate after a death.

Could the Statutory Legacy Update Affect You? 5

Could the Statutory Legacy Update Affect You?

There has recently been an update to the amount that can be passed on in a statutory legacy. This is the amount an individual can receive from their spouse’s estate if their spouse dies without leaving a Will. Find out how this could affect you on our blog.

How to Plan for Your Pet's Future 9

How to Plan for Your Pet’s Future

If you’ve ever had a pet, you’ll know just how quickly they become part of the family. Pets like dogs, cats, rabbits and even snakes can provide all sorts of valuable benefits, from companionship and affection to stress relief and entertainment. If you have a pet, you’ll want to be sure they would be cared for if you weren’t able to for any reason.

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